Silence en méditerranée

Production: Bluearth Production / Coproduction France 3 PACA, Occitanie, Viastella / With the support of the CNC, the South Region, and the RMC Water Agency.
Director: Jean Charles Granjon
Equipment: Bluearth Production
Selections and Awards : Official selections / festival mémoire de la mer de Rochefort, Lumexplore
Synopsis: The sea “world of silence”? An idea very much anchored in the collective unconscious… However, it is an environment in which the weightlessness of the sea allows sound to travel thousands of kilometers, with hearing dominating sight. The parenthesis of confinement has created an “anthropic silence”. In this silence, a song emerges, that of the wild world, which uses sound to communicate and find its bearings. How to harmonize this sound territory with that of human activities, more and more invasive? To discover this, I choose to take the audience on a sensory odyssey, focusing on the sound reality of the ocean. We explore the Mediterranean coast and the open sea, from Corsica to Occitania, from the confinement to the “world after”.